Rabu, 21 April 2010



Udin yg asli Betawi suatu hari jalan2 ke New York dan masuk bar di situ.

Dia melihat seorang pria berkata kepada bartender: “Jack Daniels, single.” Lalu bartender memberikan segelas minuman.

Trus, datang lagi orang lain: “Johnny Walker, single.” Bartender kembali memberikan segelas minuman.

Maka dengan percaya diri Udin mendekati bartender dan berkata: “Udin bin Sanusi, married.”

Rocks - Madu Dan Racun

Rocks - Madu Dan Racun

Engkau yang cantik
Engkau yang manis
Engkau yang manja

Selalu tersipu
Rawan sikapmu
Di balik kemelutmu

Di remang kabutmu
Di tabir mega-megamu
Ku terlihat
Dua tangan di balik punggung mu

Madu di tangan kanan mu
Racun di tangan kiri mu
Aku tak tahu mana yang
Akan kau berikan padaku

( fade… )



Seorang yang sedang menjelajah di pedalaman Amazon tiba-tiba saja sudah dikepung sekelompok primitif yang haus darah.

“Oo… Tuhan matilah aku…”, gumamnya.

Tiba-tiba dari langit diatasnya ada kilatan cahaya, dan terdengar suara menggema:

“Tidak anakku…, ajalmu belum tiba. Ambillah batu di dekat kakimu itu dan pukul kepala pemimpin mereka yang tepat berdiri didepanmu itu “.

Si penjelajah itupun mengambil batu dan menyerang pemimpin gerombol itu, dan memukulkan batu itu ke kepala si pemimpin sekuat tenaga… dan si pemimpin itu

mati seketika. Dia berdiri di atas mayat si pemimpin.

Seketika 100 orang primitif itu mengepungnya dengan muka sangat marah karena melihat pemimpinnya terbunuh. Kilatan dari langit itu muncul lagi dengan suara


“Sekarang… baru ajalmu tiba anakku…”

D'Bagindas Apa Yang Terjadi

D'Bagindas Apa Yang Terjadi

Mengapa kau tak mau genggam tanganku
Mengapa kau tak mau cium pipiku
Biasanya kalau kau bertemu aku
Cium pipi kanan dan pipi kiriku

Mengapa kini engkau berubah
Mengapa kau berubah begitu cepat

Apa yang terjadi pada dirimu
Apa yang terjadi pada hatimu
Apa yang terjadi pada dirimu
Apa yang terjadi pada cintamu

Bila tak cinta engkau katakan saja
Bila tak sayang berterus terang saja
Aku tak akan pernah memaksa cinta
Janganlah pernah kau simpan dalam dada

Cinta itu hanya di dada
Cinta takkan karena terpaksa

Back to Reff:

Cinta itu hanya di dada
Cinta takkan karena terpaksa

Back to Reff: 2x

Soal Latihan Conditional

Soal Latihan Conditional

Complete the Conditional Sentences.

  1. If the midfielders the ball more exactly, our team more chances to attack.
  2. If the forwards faster, they more goals.
  3. Their motivation if they a goal during the first half.
  4. The fullbacks one or the other goal if they their opponents.
  5. If the goalie up, he the ball.
  6. If the referee the foul, he a penalty kick to our team.
  7. Our team in better form if they harder the weeks before.
  8. The game better if the trainer a substitute in during the second half.
  9. If it a home game, our team the match.
  10. If our team the match, they up in the league.

soal latihan adjective clause

soal latihan adjective clause

1) (a) An antecedent is a word.
(b) A pronoun refers to this word.

2) (a) The blue whale is considered the largest animal that has ever lived.
(b) It can grow to 100 feet and 150 tons.

3) (a) The plane was met by a crowd of 300.
(b) Some of them had been waiting for more than 4 hours.

4) (a) In this paper, I will describe the basic process.
(b) Raw cotton becomes cotton thread by this process.

5) (a) The researchers are doing case studies of people to determine the importance of

heredity in health and longevity.
(b) These people's families have a history of high blood pressure and heart disease.

6) (a) At the end of this month, scientists at the institute will conduct their AIDS research.
(b) The results of this research will be published within 6 months.

7) (a) According to many education officials, 'math phobia' (that is, a fear of

mathematics) is a widespread problem.
(b) A solution to this problem must and can be found.

8) (a) The art museum hopes to hire a new administrator.
(b) Under this person's direction it will be able to purchase significant pieces of art.

9) (a) The giant anteater licks up ants for its dinner.
(b) Its tongue is longer than 30 centimeters (12 inches).

10) (a) The anteater's tongue is sticky.
(b) It can go in and out of its mouth 160 times a minute.

Soal Latihan active dan passive

Soal Latihan active dan passive

  • Active : He will have met them before I get there tomorrow.
  • Passive : They ................. met by him before I get there tomorrow.
  • Active : She will have watered this plant before I get here this afternoon.
  • Passive : This plant............... watered by her before I get here this afternoon.

  • Active : He would have met them.
  • Passive : They................ met by him.
  • Active : She would have watered this plant.
  • Passive : This plant .............. watered by her.

  • Active : He is meeting them now.
  • Passive : They ............ met by him now.
  • Active : She is watering this plant now.
  • Passive : This plant ............ watered by her now.
  • Active : He was meeting them.
  • Passive : They ..........met by him.
  • Active : She was watering this plant.
  • Passive : This plant .......... watered by her.
  • Active : He has been meeting them.
  • Passive : They ...............met by him.
  • Active : She has been watering this plant.
  • Passive : This plant ............ watered by her.
  • Active : He had been meeting them.
  • Passive : They ................ met by him.
  • Active : She had been watering this plant.
  • Passive : This plant ................. watered by her.
  • Active : He will be meeting them.
  • Passive : They ................met by him.
  • Active : She will be watering this plant.
  • Passive : This plant ................ watered by her.
  • Active : He would be meeting them.
  • Passive : They................. met by him.
  • Active : She would be watering this plant.
  • Passive : This plant .............. watered by her.

  1. Koko’s nose is bleeding. He was punched by his friend right on his nose.
  2. The Indonesian football team was beaten by the Saudi Arabian team.
  3. These plants were watered by my sister a few minutes ago.
  4. There is no meal left. All has been devoured by Yeyes.
  5. English is studied by all high school students.